Boys Swimming & Diving Meetings!
From Renee Bolden:
Hi There! Would you believe it's almost time for our PND Boys Swimming & Diving season to begin! The official start of our season begins Monday, November 24th. Therefore we've scheduled two very important and informative meetings for you to attend.
* Wednesday, October 29, 2008: A short meeting will be held in the PND Library @ 2:45 PM. This meeting is for all new and returning members of the Boys' Swimming and Diving Team.
* Thursday, October 30, 2008: A parents meeting will be held in the PND Library @ 7:00 PM. This meeting is for all new and returning parents of the Boys' Swimming and Diving Team.
Please have your student attend the short after school meeting on Oct. 29th. The parents meeting will provide information on our upcoming season, swim schedule, volunteer opportunities, and swim gear purchase forms.
The Peoria Notre Dame Boys Swimming and Diving team is built on tradition and hard work, please join us in continuing the legacy!!
Go Irish!
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