Dedicated to Peoria Notre Dame's Swimming and Diving Teams. Latest happenings, announcements, and our history.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Here's your chance for a POOL!

There is a consulting firm conducting input from"stakeholders" about what should be done about a new high school. The meetings are Wednesday (5-17-06) and Thursday (5-18-06) with many different times. If you want to have input as far as a pool is concerned, call the school to sign up for a time.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Brooke Baldi will sign National Letter of Intent

Brooke is scheduled to sign her national letter of intent to swim for University of Alabama at PND Library at 2pm today.

Kurt Pegler from WMBD channel 31 is scheduled to be there to cover the event. You should be able to catch the coverage on the 6pm news.

Go Crimson Tide! Go Brooke!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Get Geared Up For PEORIA SWIM LAB!

If you haven't sent in your registration form, get it in. We still have room, but we are filling fast.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Get your 2005-2006 DVD!

This season's DVD is finally available. The DVD includes the three news stories, the season highlights video, and the three relays from Conference. Let me know if you are interested.